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Peyronie’s Disease

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Dr. Wallen is an excellent resource for treatment of Peyronie’s disease. This condition involves the build-up of plaque within the male sexual organ, which causes it to curve. As a result, a man with Peyronie’s disease will have painful erections. Importantly, Peyronie’s disease is NOT associated with cancer or any type of communicable sexual disease. And while the condition can cause a hard lump to develop on one or multiple areas of the penis, this is not a tumor. Men who have sustained an injury to the penis, who have a family history of this particular ailment, or who suffer from an autoimmune disease may be more at risk of developing Peyronie’s.

Treatment methods for Peyronie’s disease may include non-surgical therapies such as oral or injected medications, high-intensity ultrasound therapy, radiation therapy or iontophoresis – which employs a low-level electric current.  It may also include surgical procedures to eliminate the problematic plaque, straighten the penile curvature or implant a special device that helps a man to maintain an erection.